Clara’s First High School Football Game

We went to go see Luke Holley and the Ceimega Bobcats play Catalina Foothills tonight and got to take Clara to her first football game in person. She seems to be enjoying it (except for the band and the guy with the vuvuzela). It’s an awesome night for football. The first day it’s felt like fall in Tucson with temps in the mid-70s. Hope it stays this way.


Clara’s First Outing

We had our first non-doctor excursion this morning. We had our Life Group meeting this morning at Millie’s Pancake Haus with Matt and Dana, Ryan and Yuneun, and Betsy. It was nice to get out and Clara did great! She slept the whole time and kept right on when she got home.



Doctor’s appointment

Today we had to go in to get some lab work done for Clara. It took another heel stick which she was not that fond of. She cried a bit, but handled it well. It reminded me of her first visit to the doctor this past Monday. It was a pretty traumatic experience but we were able to get through it. We do like our pediatrician, so we look forward to the next few months here in Tucson.



Clara’s Homecoming

Sorry for the delay in getting this up, but we’ve been a little busy the past 2 days.

Clara Frances Rottman made her arrival on Saturday, July 28, 2012 at 3:17pm. She was perfectly healthy and weighed in at 6 lbs. 11 oz. and 19 1/4 inches long. It was a fairly long labor: Beth started her first contraction on Thursday evening around 9pm and after a pretty good night’s sleep, she had steady contractions all throughout Friday. We tried to keep busy and let Beth rest as much as possible, and we had an appointment at the Birth Center at 4pm. At the appointment they told us that they’d most likely be seeing us this evening or tomorrow so to try to go home and get as much sleep as possible. Well, that was a bit of wishful thinking. After running to the consignment sale to pick up some more clothing and toys for Clara, we headed to bed. I think Beth only got about an hour of sleep and I only got about 2-3. By 5am, the contractions were close and steady, so we were just waiting as long as we felt comfortable. We called the Birth Center around 6am and headed in around 7. Beth had progressed nicely so we were expecting about a noon birth. It ended up being a bit longer, but Beth was amazing. She never got discouraged, just more determined. I was so proud of her. When Clara arrived, it was great to be able to just relax with her and enjoy watching her. We are so thankful for the Birth Center and how they handled things. We ended up staying overnight and headed home the next morning. Thanks to everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers throughout the past 9 months and especially this past weekend. We hope to catch up with all of you soon.

The new family heading home!

Clara's first car ride

Taco Salad

While Beth and I eagerly await our daughter’s arrival, Beth made us a delicious taco salad to enjoy tonight. Can’t wait to dig in!


Beth’s Baby Shower


Some women in our church threw a wonderful Baby Shower for Beth a few weeks ago.  I don’t have too much to say about it (since I wasn’t there), but I know that Beth really enjoyed it.  Thanks to all of you who were involved in the planning and execution of this celebration.  Beth felt very loved.  Click here to see all the pictures over on our Photos page.  Thanks to Heather over at Small Beginnings for the great photos!

Matt and Dana are back!

So Matt and Dana arrived back in Tucson for good this past weekend. They just overshot the countdown timer I had set up when they left, but I guess we’ll let it slide. They had a get together tonight for Matt’s birthday and we had a great time sharing wine and cigars. The men’s conversation bridged a wide variety of economic and theological topics. It was a great night and one of the latest Beth and I have had in a while. It’s great to have our good friends back!


Our First House!

Well, after almost 3 years we officially sold our house this past Thursday.  We really enjoyed our time there and are pretty sad to see it go, but it’s exciting to think about our next steps.  To commemorate the occasion, I made this little video to remember the amazing process we went through to renovate our house.  I hope you enjoy!


(sorry it gets a little choppy, my computer’s a little under-powered for this)

While we were gone…

So a lot has been happening in the Rottman household over the last few months.  In no way do I use this as an excuse for my blogging delinquency, however, I’ll do my best to catch you up…

Mississippi Christmas





We’re Expecting!!!

We announced to our families by giving our Moms custom-made bibs.  It was a great time (both times)!!



Winter San Carlos Trip


MLS in Tucson


Announcement Party:  It’s a Girl!!!!!

We had a great announcement party with friends and family.  We filled the cupcakes with pink icing and had the big reveal right after this picture.  (Ryan didn’t want to wait)


The Maranto’s Visit


The destruction of my fingers

I dropped a railroad tie on my right hand and almost severed the tips of my index and middle fingers.  I required a fair amount of stitches, but they seem to be healing nicely.  Maybe I’ll put up some more pictures soon for those with strong stomachs.


Our Barcelona and Lisbon Trip

more on this later…


Krystal and Jesus had their 2nd

Say hello to little Isaac!  Hard to believe that we’ll be there soon…


I’m really going to try to get back in the habit of blogging.  We have plenty happening right now, so there should be a lot to share!