10 Month Pictures
Clara is 10 months old! We are starting to realize that she is becoming more and more of a toddler and less of a baby. One recent development is Clara standing independently for up to a minute or so. She will even swing her arms or play with a toy while standing. Her balance is pretty amazing. She could likely take a few steps with some motivation. Crawling is just so efficient… and she is super fast. She continues to get into everything. She is curious and definitely not tentative. A favorite thing is to take things out, like laundry out of the washer and onto the floor, or diapers off of the clothesline, or toys out of a basket. Maybe next month she will enjoy putting things back in. Clara is very social. This was very evident during our recent trip to Spain as she made friends with anyone we met. She seems to know how to get people’s attention by making noises and then just beaming. This continues as we run errands around town. Home Depot has been a huge hit lately. We walk down the aisle, and she seems to get everyone we pass to notice and give her a smile back. Clara is still on the small side and is just now getting too big for her 6 month clothes (even with her big cloth diaper bottom). We are starting to see her 3rd tooth poking through on the top. Clara is clearly understanding more of what we say and is babbling often. She is saying “mamama” regularly and even “dada” sometimes now. She is attempting to repeat words after we say them. She still loves books and now turns the pages with us. She has now started crying when the book is over… not something we promote. I am glad that she likes books!
Clara helping with the laundry…
Clara has become quite the messy eater
A new favorite thing is to do raspberries with food in her mouth… in this case, beets went everywhere
This month, Clara got in the pool for the first time. She was not too sure about it but did ok as long as one of us held her.
Our house remains in flux with continued projects. Clara loves all of the wayward boxes and construction supplies.